Sign Me up!

Amplify your ______! You decide. Amplify your voice, your time, your presence, your confidence, etc. Work with me as your trusted outlet on your path to realizing your full potential.

Do you want to further expand your career excellence without compromising treasured family time?

Struggling to prioritize family needs amidst high-pressure work environments.

Experiencing guilt, stress, or exhaustion from balancing intense career demands with family responsibilities.

Facing challenges in time management and organization, impacting both work and home life.

Dealing with work culture issues that limit flexibility, making it difficult to respond to unexpected family or caregiving events.

Feeling uncertain about how to effectively climb the corporate ladder or excel to the next level in your career while maintaining a healthy family life.

Enveloped in self doubt whether you are making the right choices for your career and family.

Does this sound like you?

Stronger communication skills, enabling better negotiation and advocacy for personal and professional needs.

The ability to create and maintain win-win relationships in the workplace and at home, enhancing overall satisfaction.

Enhanced confidence in pursuing your professional growth and family commitments.

Development of effective strategies for accountability and execution of endeavors, leading to improved overall well-being.

Effective time management and organizational skills, fostering efficiency both at work and home.

Now, imagine if you achieve and maintain …

AMpliFy Your Journey


6-Month or 1-year personalized program

This program is a personalized coaching journey tailored for executives striving to integrate career and family. Over 6 or 12 months, clients receive up to 24 (6 mo) or 48 (1 yr) sessions, respectively. It's client-led, incorporating the optional AMPLIFY framework as a guide. The program is designed to, including but not limited to, amplify your why, boost confidence, improve delegation, and enhance communication and organizational skills. Clients are supported in identifying and prioritizing their goals, fostering identified areas for growth and strategy. Sessions primarily take place via Zoom or telephone with additional email or text support during business hours for ongoing guidance. In person or hybrid sessions may be considered.

On-site or zoom facilitation in small groups may be arranged separately for businesses that need leadership, executive, and organizational support. Day rates or group facilitation engagements are available upon request. 

Get access now!

- RR, Mom and Chief People Officer - Atlanta, Georgia 

"My work with Amy has been transformative! The depth of our coaching sessions gets to the heart of how I think, perceive, and act and brings me closer to my professional and personal goals. The time spent with Amy is invaluable and I am so grateful I found her!" 


"I am so grateful I found her!"

“Working with Amy has been an enlightening experience. Her attentive listening skills and ability to pinpoint the core challenges in our sessions are remarkable. Her insightful, thought-provoking questions guide me towards identifying actionable steps for achieving my goals, reinforcing accountability. Amy's coaching has significantly enhanced my journey, providing clarity and direction.”

" enlightening experience."

A valuable tool for comprehensive feedback, the Verbal 360 involves gathering insights and perspectives from various stakeholders in the client's professional and personal life. This process enables a well-rounded understanding of the client's impact and areas for development, forming a basis for tailored coaching strategies and personal growth plans.


Clients access additional email or text message support during business hours, ensuring timely assistance and guidance. This feature is designed to provide continuous support and accountability, helping clients stay on track and address challenges as they arise.

Real-Time Coaching Assistance

A  structured, yet individualized approach that guides clients through identifying and amplifying their strengths, developing strategies for success, and implementing actionable steps towards achieving their personal and professional goals.

Amplify Framework

Inside you'll find:

Get started today

Have a deeper understanding of how to effectively integrate your professional ambitions and family responsibilities.

Develop a clear strategy to prioritize and manage your executive role while nurturing your caregiving duties.

Implement practical solutions for enhancing time management, organization, and efficiency in both your work and home life.

Feel empowered and confident in your ability to lead by example in the workplace and at home, demonstrating strength and compassion.

Solidify your sense of purpose, understanding the unique value you bring to both your career and your family, and why this makes you an exceptional leader.

It's time to master your life integration! 

Your executive coaching journey can allow you to:

I empower other executives to achieve this harmony, guiding them to thrive in their careers while being present and fulfilled at home. My journey is a testament to the endless possibilities to amplify your chosen journey.

Your executive coach

I’m Amy Miner-Fletcher.


the professional who often felt torn between a high-flying career and precious family moments. How to best prioritize seemed elusive, and the guilt, at times, overwhelming. But through resilience, adaptability, and a strength-based approach, I transformed my struggles into strategies. 

I WAS...

I’m Amy

A.M.P.L.I.F.Y. Framework


Why do you do what you do? How do you take care of yourself? Discover your best strategies to prioritize self-care as a key component of your success and master the demands of being an executive and a caregiver.

“When you know your WHY, you’ll know your WAY.” - Michael Hyatt

YOU (Self-Care) and, Your “Y” (Why)



Utilize the Leadership Dashboard * (Developed by Andrew Neitlich at the Center for Executive Coaching) to frame your journey. Enhance your leadership skills not just in the workplace but also within your family by reflecting on what motivates you and how your actions inspire others.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more & become more, YOU ARE A LEADER.” -John Quincy Adams




Make decisions that align with your values and ethics, ensuring congruence in all aspects of life. Discover creative strategies that work for you!

“Integrity - Choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.” - Brené Brown

Innovate and Integrity 



Plan and execute effective strategies and purpose-driven actions to harmonize your professional goals and family and caregiving responsibilities. Explore parenting resources that align with your diverse family needs.

“I like to say that there are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” - Rosalyn Carter

Planning and Parenting



Delve into what accountability means to you. Seek clarification and alignment allowing you to ensure you meet personal and workplace commitments.




Cultivate a mindset that embraces challenges and adapts to changes in both career and family life. Amplify your resilience and a positive outlook to manage the dynamics of your varied roles.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there!” -Theodore Roosevelt






“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.” - Bob Proctor





Focus on living in the present while setting future goals, embracing flexibility, and moving forward. You will have help planning for the future while being adaptable to the present needs of your career and family.

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

Future Goals, Flexibility, moving Forward, Family


“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” - Steve Jobs

Ready to AMPLIFY?

Let’s Get Started!

Begin amplifying your journey today. 

According to a survey by the International Coach Federation (ICF), 67% of individuals who received coaching reported a higher level of work-life balance. This underscores the effectiveness of coaching in enhancing one's ability to successfully manage both professional and personal responsibilities.

You too can Amplify Your Journey to a more fulfilling life, balancing your family and career with grace and effectiveness!

Executive coaching has demonstrated significant positive impacts on work-life balance.